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Price: DKK6.999

This course is for you who want to book sessions according to your personal needs.

*No age restriction






Contact to find out more



Price: DKK 8.999

This course is for you who want to start your mental development quickly.

  • 6 personal sports psychology and mental training sessions

  • Performance tools for match/tournament

  • Mental training book

  • Mental training booklet

  • Interviews can take place physically in Copenhagen or online

Contact to find out more

"Success is achieved by working hard, sacrificing a lot and always striving for more. But I have also found that you are never alone in creating your success. Working with Henrik gives me support, security, mental clarity and tools for to develop and dream even bigger. My success is our success."

Matilda Lundorf/ Juventus

Kem Ljungquist

"After having a hard time in and around the boxing ring for a long period, I came across HH Mentality. From our first conversation, Henrik made a big impression on me and helped me improve my mentality both as a sportsman and just as importantly as a human being. He was always good at reaching out when I didn't have the energy to do so myself. A real pleasure and garden in the 'ring corner'."

Kem Ljungquist / Boxes


This is for you who want to be No. 1

In this program, we follow you through 12 months and ensures that the mental training skills and mental techniques that have been introduced in the start-up become a permanent part of you, your everyday life and your career.

  • Mental training sessions

  • Weekly check-in option

  • Performance observations 

  • Mental training book

  • Mental training booklet

  • Ongoing feedback

  • Tools for competition

  • Course of approx. 12 months

  • The interviews can take place physically or online

  • Price: DKK 2999 per month *

  • Price: DKK 4999 per month *

* The amount is paid annually in 1-2 invoices.

* The price depends on the content of the course.

Forlø - Personligt, det tætte forløb
christian farstad

"As an elite kayaker, I can definitely recommend a course with Henrik. He is a really good and professional mental coach who has taught me to accept negative emotions and thoughts and still be able to perform in competitions. In addition, we have also worked with some really good methods , so I can be calm when I have to perform, and that really applies."

Christian Farstad/ Kayaks, national team rowers

Njoma Zogaj

"I've always had great ambitions with handball, and when things didn't work out, I was often too hard on myself and others. In 2017, I suffered a serious nerve injury and was declared a handball invalid by doctors. I wasn't ready to give up my dream and therefore contacted HH Mentality, who supported me and guided me in an otherwise emotional time, which strengthened my psyche absolutely insane. What I have been most happy about is to have learned to be aware of how important a part of sport the mental aspect is, and to have learned to accept the situation I find myself in and the emotions that may come with it - both on and off the pitch. With a lot of help from HH Mentality, I fought my way back onto the pitch."

Njoma Zogaj / Aalborg DH

Forløb - 3 månde + 5-klip klippkort


  • Class progress

  • Lecture

  • Parents presentation

  • Mental training

  • Values and culture

  • Roles and expectations

  • Confidence and responsibility

  • Mental strength

  • Mental techniques

Contact to find out more

Søren Hald

"As a badminton player, it is fantastic to have a sports psychologist who has been on the court himself and had the challenges that I myself have on the court. In addition, it is clear that Henrik has a strong professional background and is good at passing it on in a language and in a way that is easy to practice and/or reflect on. It was the best decision I made at the beginning of 2019 to start with mental training."

Søren Hald /Badminton player

sanne troelsgaard

""True count to 10", but it was never enough for me. I know I'm a person who lives structured, I'm disciplined, I love to train, love to get better and then I'm temperamental, very temperamental. It has served me well over the years, but it has also given me some hard experiences. I have learned to handle my temper, so it is not my weakness but now my strength. That is why I have collaborated with Henrik for a few years on the mental side, which also supports me in being the best version of me."

Sanne Troelsgaard / FC Rosengård

Isabella Schultz

"I have always been incredibly perfectionist, especially in sports, which has helped my development and gotten me far. But it has also been one of my weaknesses that I have had problems with for a long time, as my emotions can often take over. I have always tried to fight my negative thoughts and feelings, but Henrik has taught me that they should not be fought, but that it is about accepting them and finding out how to perform at your best even when there is both pressure and nervousness. In addition, it is nice to have someone like Henrik who is always ready to help and who always wants the best for me."

Isabella Schultz/ Danish & Nordic champion

Japhet Sery Larsen

"Football is much more than just kicking a ball. Henrik has given me various and   good tools which have given me mental resilience and sharpened my focus on and off the pitch. In addition, I became more confident. Henrik has supported and pushed me with good mental exercises, questions and inputs."

Japhet Sery Larsen / Bodø Glimpse

ACT kerneprocesser



Try to imagine that the knowledge and the way you've handled yourself mentally turns out to be both performance-limiting, aggravating and useless to you, while all the advice you've been given throughout your youth actually turns out to prevent you from flourishing on the field. "Think positive and just believe in yourself". In this mental training course, you will be immersed in all the biggest areas for a sportsperson based on the scientific psychological approach calledACT.



Here, many self-help gurus, hypnotists and others will rub their hands, as they believe they have invented the "world's best" exercise and tool for this. They haven't! But they probably have exercises that can be used inside the therapy room or at the psychologist's desk, where e.g. confidence and nervousness can be controlled, but this does not help an athlete who has to perform under unavoidable pressure.

The idea and understanding in the sports world that you can control thoughts and emotions creates a vicious cycle that causes athletes to end up losing the mental battle in their head, after which they subsequently lose the physical battle on the field.


We must have changed that. You must therefore learn a number of mental performance skills so that you know how to handle them yourself when the pressure is greatest, so that you can succeed both mentally and physically in your performance.


The whole thing has been rebuiltACT, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, which is the newest (and best) approach in psychology and mental training for athletes.

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